Partners in Wealth is a huge global community built around gathering resources for people to achieve their goals and dreams, through crowd funding. Through the law of reciprocity – what you give out in life, comes back multiplied; participants have the opportunity to acquire the resources they need to achieve their full potential.
Unlike many of the crowd funding platforms, there are no hidden fees for donors and campaign promoters to participate in the activity. As a result, Partners In Wealth activities can radically have positive impact in the lives of millions of people across the globe.
How would you like to receive $25, $50, $100, $200 or more per day? It may sound crazy, but there are some campaign promoters who are receiving donations hourly. Here’s the most exciting part; it’s not a loan, no fees, no interest, and you never have to pay it back.
Partners In Wealth was created to help people achieve their true purpose in life through acquisition of resources that are important in that alley while supporting others. How? Through donating to other’s crowd funding activities; or rather what is known as the law of reciprocity – whatever you give, comes back to you multiplied.
If you enjoy giving to causes, then you will enjoy working through our platform. Thanks to Partners In Wealth’s crowd funding charity program, it will be easier to find charities to donate to. Some mentionable charity fundraising campaigns include raising funds for families of officers who died on the line of duty, and most recently, for victims of natural disasters.
Bloomberg’s research showed that investors in real estate have contributed more than $400 million into real estate projects in 2015. That is thrice the amount in 2014. Thanks to Partners In Wealth’s crowd funding platform, you can do several real estate campaigns simultaneously successfully. Something you wouldn’t get to see on your “ordinary” crowd funding platform.
Partners In Wealth’s crowd funding platform also allows donors to participate in higher funded projects. From professional fund-raisers to individuals testing the fund-raising waters for small projects, there’s something for everyone. When it comes to funding or raising capital, PartnersInWealth.club will be changing how people get and give money. There’s a good chance that PartnersInWealth.club will influence some of your key business or personal decisions in the near future, whether directly or indirectly –are you ready for it?
Partners In Wealth is independently supported by donors who give directly to our operations.